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Parental Consent form


If you are entering a child under 16 for the competition, please fill in this form and email it to or hand it in on arrival at the competition. Minimum age of rider is 5 years.


Name of child: ________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____


Any Disabilities or Special Needs: ____________________________________


Name of Event: _____________________________ Date of Event: __________


Home Address of Parent/ Guardian: ___________________________________


________________________________ Post Code: _______________________


Tel No (Day): _____________________ Tel No (Eve): ____________________

Mobile No: _______________________________________________________

In case of Emergency number: ________________________________________


If you are not attending the event with your child who will be responsible for them at the event:

Name: ________________________ Phone number______________


Additional details: (any information, given in confidence, of which the organisers should be aware – specific dietary needs, details of any medication, allergies etc.)


DECLARATION: I have received comprehensive details of this event and consent to my child taking part in the activities indicated. I consent to my child receiving any medical treatment, which in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner, may be necessary.

I am aware that photographs may be taken during the TREC event for promotional purposes and give consent for my child to feature in such photos.


Signed: __________________________ (Parent/ Carer) Date: ________________

Signed: __________________________ (Child) Date: ______________________

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